What is ACOR?

ACOR is an acronym for the Australasian Cardiac Outcomes Registry Limited. ACOR was established by the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ), to build national registries of cardiac patient outcomes for Australia and New Zealand.

Why should I be involved with ACOR?

ACOR aims to lead improvements in clinical practice and cardiac patient outcomes, facilitate the development of a clinical quality registry, and oversee data analysis and publication of findings. Over time hospitals, clinics and cardiologists will use research results from ACOR to improve the management and treatment of cardiac patients just like you. Everyone wins!

How do I get involved with ACOR?

Your cardiologist may already have joined the ACOR network, and if so s/he will seek your formal consent to having your data entered into our secure database. Before any analysis of data is done or research findings published, all ‘identifiers’ – your name, your cardiologist’s name, and the name of the hospital or clinic – are removed so that complete anonymity is upheld. You can rest assured that we comply with the strict privacy laws that are enacted by State and Federal Governments, and we are regularly audited on our compliance.

You can always ask your cardiologist if s/he has joined the ACOR network. If not, and you want to contribute to this important work, you or your cardiologist can find out how by emailing us at info@acor.net.au


These FAQs will be updated from time to time, so check back with us every few months.